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Ring West




Mara Middelhuis

Simone Heidema

Teun van der Ree

Twan Kuiper

Justin Jager

Yvar van Oosten

3D Visualization, Ring West, N370.

This projects focus area was Ring West Groningen (1). It was a collaboration project with second year civil engineer and spacial development students. The current situation is a single level intersection with a traffic control system. The goal of the project was to create a intersection where we needed to lower the N370 and remove the traffic control system.

Our team came up with a plan to lower the N370 just as instructed and create a 'turbo roundabout' that could lead the traffic going to the residential areas in a safe way. 

The existing bicycle tunnels where quite dark and narrow. Our plan was to make and open space with room for small gardens. The gardens can be used by university's to test/grow plants that absorb nitrogen. 

Most of the ideas where a team effort, but there were some parts that where done individually. I've worked on the 3D renders and I was responsible for the setup of the plan: communication with stakeholders and residents. 

Short summary of the structure:
It had as main theme: Social participation, and was setup in multiple phases. 
Phase one had as theme, setting up frameworks and writing down points of attention.

The second phase was all about meetings and talks with the community and stakeholders. 

The third and last phase was setting up the media part of the project. With mediums like Bouwapp, social media, live webcams and a mailbox especially for the older people of the nearby community. 


3D Visualization, Ring West, open space for the gardens.

Two colleagues made the 3D models for the new Ring West crossing in Sketchup. This programs works great in combination with the Twinmotion software (2). This way I could make some great realtime presentation renders and clips in a short time. The video gave our project a big visual boost for our final presentation. 

3D Presentation video, Ring West

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