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New situation H.W. Mesdagplein. 

This project was made at the Hanze University of Applied Science in the  first year of Built Environment. This is a concept for a new cycle route that is part of the ''Slimme fietsroute'' (1) in the Schildersbuurt Groningen. The bicycle route goes from Groningen central station to the Zernike Campus. The concepts are only made for the parts of the route in the Schildersbuurt.


New situation H.W. Mesdagplein. 


New situation H.W. Mesdagplein. 

The process

The project started with deskresearch. Who uses the cycle route (and who doesn't). What are the busiest points that cyclist come across? Where do most of the users come from? (Central station? City centrum?) The results were placed into visual maps using methodes like the Kevin Lynch method. 


Deskresearch, Routes


Deskresearch, routes with an overlay sketch for the new situation.


Profile drawings, new situation H.W. Mesdagplein.


Drawings of the new situations, H.W. Mesdagplein and the Awe/Hoendiep.

The deskresearch revealed that traffic problems arise at several points to and from Zernike campus. For example, there are regularly long traffic jams around the Eikenlaan (2). It also revealed (by observing and fieldwork) that the ''slimme route'' (1) is rarely used by students, they rather choose their own route. For many students, their own cycle route is faster and more comfortable than the ''slimme route''.

With the following changes the cycle route should be more accessible and comfortable to students.  The concept consist out of several ideas that together should structurally improve the route. A number of news articles and studies (3) indicate that the use of color could have an positive influence on a safer traffic situation. The color blue would be the best choice here. This is implement in the new concept. Cyclists around the Schildersbuurt will also get more priority then other road users. For example, car and public transport traffic is rearranged to create a safer situation for cyclists, but also to encourage public transport and bicycle use. It also should discourage car use in and around the city center.


The H.W. Mesdagplein will be transformed into a bicycle hub. The cyclists can now cross the square in one go. There will also be bicycle parking facilities to easily switch to the surrounding public transport.


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